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Hugtakasafn þýðingamiðstöðvar utanríkisráðuneytisins

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Hugtakasafn : Eitt hugtak
rýmkuð stjórnun komuumferðar
Extended Arrival Management
flutningar (flug)
[is] Aðgerðin rýmkuð stjórnun komuumferðar og hæfisbundin leiðsaga á aðflugssvæðum þar sem er mikil flugumferð eykur nákvæmni í aðflugsferli og greiðir fyrir röðun flugumferðar á fyrri stigum. Rýmkuð stjórnun komuumferðar styður við útvíkkun skipulagssviðs í 180-200 sjómílur að lágmarki, að meðtöldum efsta punktinum þar sem lækkun komuflugs hefst.

[en] Extended Arrival Management (AMAN) and Performance Based Navigation (PBN) in high density Terminal Manoeuvring Areas (TMAs) improves the precision of the approach trajectory and facilitates air traffic sequencing at an earlier stage. Extended AMAN supports extension of the planning horizon out to a minimum of 180-200 nautical miles, up to and including the Top of Descent of arrival flights.

[en] Arrival manager (AMAN)
Part of the FASTI (First Air Traffic Control (ATC) Support Tools Implementation) Programme

Since the late 1990s, the aviation industry has been developing Arrival Manager (AMAN) systems and tools to assist air navigation service providers (ANSPs) with aircraft arrivals, particularly during challenging periods such as bad weather or runway closures. ANSPs have also developed bespoke systems to meet their own specific needs. Consequently, numerous products and systems have been introduced with great effect across European airports.

The success of these systems has led to the need for a thorough documentation process so that a standardised set of definitions, terms and classifications could be developed for the industry and the lessons learned could be documented to help other ANSPs with their own AMAN implementations.

Main deliverables
In 2009 and 2010, EUROCONTROL undertook surveys of AMAN systems at European airports, resulting in the AMAN Status Review 2009 and the AMAN Status Review 2010.

A comprehensive set of guidelines for AMAN implementations was also produced, as was a document entitled, AMAN Information Extension to En-route Sectors Concept of Operations.

In order to provide support for AMAN future deployments at European airports, EUROCONTROL has since included two AMAN-related activities within the scope of the FASTI programme:

Arrival Management system support Extended Arrival Management
Both these activities support SESAR IP1 Operational Improvements: Arrival Management Supporting TMA Improvements and Extended Arrival (AMAN in En-route), respectively, and cover the period up to 2013.

[is] Framkvæmdarreglugerð framkvæmdastjórnarinnar (ESB) nr. 716/2014 frá 27. júní 2014 um að koma á fót sameiginlegu tilraunaverkefni sem styður við framkvæmd evrópsku mynsturáætlunarinnar um rekstrarstjórnun flugumferðar

[en] Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 716/2014 of 27 June 2014 on the establishment of the Pilot Common Project supporting the implementation of the European Air Traffic Management Master Plan

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